My First 40 Years

Fenway Fire Dispatch
86. Fenway Fire Dispatch 2015 oil on canvas 30x24” collection of the artist
There is a radio tower above this structure in the Fenway that directly signals Boston fire stations regarding the dispatching of fire trucks to local fires.
One would never know; it is a lovely old building, and its function is unknown to most people that walk by. Its reflection in the Muddy River is often disturbed by Canadian geese or mallard ducks or the occasional heron or fish jumping. The phragmite reeds that line the river grew dramatically during the months I painted here, going from about 15 feet to 40 feet tall. It was difficult to know when to put them in; windy days made them act like fields of wheat, and people made trails in amongst them, hidden from the rest of the Fenway public. I’d hear sounds below me but not see who was making them. Then I’d notice someone staring up at me. One wonders what kind of activity is going on in there.