- Valentine's BoxValentine's Box
- Plum on PinkPlum on Pink
- Cracked Mug and DaisyCracked Mug and Daisy
- 2 Mugs and Daisy2 Mugs and Daisy
- Glass Half Full, Cracked Egg, DaisyGlass Half Full, Cracked Egg, Daisy
- Pepper and Fruit StudyPepper and Fruit Study
- Eggplant and FruitsEggplant and Fruits
- Peach and KnifePeach and Knife
- Red DeliciousRed Delicious
- Flowers in A BottleFlowers in A Bottle
- Grapefruit and VeggiesGrapefruit and Veggies
- Bottle and FruitBottle and Fruit
- Daisies on BlueDaisies on Blue
- Glass Half FullGlass Half Full
- Red Onion on YellowRed Onion on Yellow
- Golden Delicious Purple WatercolorGolden Delicious Purple Watercolor
- Watercolor FruitsWatercolor Fruits
- Orange on Blue Green WatercolorOrange on Blue Green Watercolor
- Cracked EggCracked Egg
- Watercolor Value StudyWatercolor Value Study
- Tulips in GlassTulips in Glass
- Small SPSmall SP